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What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a difference in cognition which can cause people to find identifying speech sounds and their relationship to words and letters

challenging. This can cause difficulties with reading, spelling, and writing. Dyslexia is not related to intelligence levels and every person with dyslexia may experience it in a different way. It is estimated that about 10% of the population may have dyslexia.

While dyslexia does not automatically result in any special talents or gifts, many people with dyslexia are very successful. Due to overcoming difficulties associated with dyslexia, they often they learn important skills such as determination, persistence, problem-solving and creativity.

Dyslexia can be hard to identify in young children. However, once your

child starts school and begins learning to read, it may become more apparent. Some differences that you may begin to notice are:

  • Confusing the orders of letters.

  • Confusing letters that look similar.

  • Difficulty learning things such as days of the week, months of the year, the alphabet, and their tables.

  • Difficulties learning to read.

  • Difficulties with phonics.

  • Beginning speaking later than expected and finding new words difficult to remember.

  • Difficulties with rhyming.

  • Confusing words/sounds.

  • Problems processing language.

  • Difficulties with sequences.

  • Difficulties with following instructions.

  • Disorganization.

  • Difficulty planning.

  • Difficulties with word pronunciation.

  • Finding learning foreign languages challenging.

  • Finding summarizing stories tricky.

  • Finding the language aspects of Math difficult (E.g. word problems.)

  • Difficulties with memory.

  • Difficulties with time management.

Although dyslexia is recognized as a disability under EU law (e.g. under equalities, accessibility and disability legislation,) many people disagree with this and feel that it is a difference in cognition.

If you are concerned:

If you are concerned it is best to talk to your child’s teacher and GP. Your child may need extra support with their learning or different learning strategies that play to their strengths. If children receive the support they need early on, it will be much easier for them to find a learning method that will allow them to overcome the challenges that can be associated with dyslexia.


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